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PAF. Approval processes why not electronic---better than hand paper delivered Instructions getting changed without notice Faculty productivity-handling double majors, advisors Decision making from multiple data sources Off campus reporting Benchmarking Tracking grants currently a manual process. Report DED, summary of what is on reports. Skunk works getting together to fix things in select groups then proceeding to larger group. Common databases. Timely approvalselectronically getting them to someone. Support services for hardware and software. Enhanced communications. Printout of departments accounts with balances. Fact Book not integrated-e.g. what does it cost to teach class x? Cost recovery - is it better to teach this during summer or fall more cost effective off or on campus? Real time data for real time decision. Need electronic faculty accomplishment system. Need to integrate external data. Create common /consistent data for decision-makers. Power users Power Users continuedPS Query, with limitations. PS Reporting (finances web). MOBIUS (payroll). Web time (payroll). Advance (Alumni db). Legacy student system. HR Reporting. Warehouse/frozen data. HR navigation site (stumbled across it). Legacy SAM data. Query for causal endeavors. Arts solution for reporting is saving us. Legacy warehouse. Legacy compliance reports. Finance/historical Grants - Arts method for faculty reporting (legacy) student grants and contracts. Legacy functional tables.PW audit- limit shadow systems and excel spreadsheets. Encumbrances. Maintenance and enhancement (legacy). Novice PS user is in trouble! Recruiters are in and out of PS PS Query is too difficult for occasional use. Being on separate systems for registration and admissions (duplication of effort). FY2003 G&C annual report. G&C reporting backlogged, new training, high turnover (frustration levels) loss of all standard reports in G&C, not enough resources for implementation and reporting. Reports table intensive. Effective date vs. date submitted not clean. Grant input panels too time consuming and complex. We have to capture panels (print screen) and put into Word to print! Training ...too early and we forget before we have to do the work. Proposals submitted can be printed via Madrid. A day turn around sometimes. Cant print budget panels from PS. Access/security. Appt end date-HR can get a list of end dates, but not users. Frozen file. Outdated documentation. Benefits all 1 rate but really arent. Inconsistent data access and security. Knowledge loss we have become too people dependent. Effective dating not working well for reporting Expectations too much seated in legacy response times Lack technical & functional staff, resources. Fix HR/finance issues BEFORE student goes live to avoid competing for resources. Get student bugs fixed prior to PS Student Aid going on-line. Titles shouldnt set priorities by default. Chancellor and Provost cabinet Quality indicators: Timely decisions need timely data consistency data, common language, same assumptions. Reporting that is crossing functional boundaries-SCH & by deal, grants, and contracts. Finding data @ level of detail needed, lacking detailed data when needed. Alumni and gifts not PS, but dependent on student and finance. Detail summary. Having the appropriate data student success; more immediate; look at the at risk students. AA data ethnic and gender. Applicant tracking for faculty taking too much time. Data Integration. Historical data. Ease of access. Lack of access to data faculty activity. Balance estimates for end of year. Encumbrances. Paperless reporting. Funding formula reporting and dashboards. Faculty accomplishments tracking. Decision support needs are lacking. Accountability of data, not information. User friendly reporting. Simplicity in reporting. More efficient and more accurate data. Lack historical data warehouse.Faculty activity reporting Scholarly activity Teaching Load Service activities Student evaluation of teaching Research Grants Alumni Giving Faculty applications need electronic Funding Formula Component credit hours, research expenditures, faculty FTE Real-Time Dashboard of important data Fiscal estimate of funds remaining at end of year (Present encumbrance is not working) What is needed is to adds value to data and information.  Directors, Associate Deans, Administrative Assistants Directors, Associate Deans, Administrative Assistants continuedExpense distributions. Transcripts. Reasonable reports. More ability to manipulate. Student reports. Financial information especially lately. Central report locations. Flexibility increased. Purchase card/reconcile. SEVIS. Good technical resources. Legacy student ˿appDW. People-extremely valuable. General Financial information.Encumbrances. Drill down takes too long; no common language for comments. Language differences. Not integrated, not meeting vision. 3 different facilities systems. Resource 25 - who is providing tech support? Payroll-cumbersome, data entry window small, 10-11 at night getting data in for 167 people in 1 department, with only 1 person. Administrative assistants are no longer assisting theyre doing payroll and others functions. Exceptions are nightmares in PS vacation sick accruals, students, multiple accounts. Ease of access for IR/analysts. Ad hoc, outside the normal too complex, takes too long. HR/Finance integration weak or doesnt exist. Matching grants. Scholarships/gifts Encumbrances. Drill down takes too long; no common language for comments. Language differences. Not integrated, not meeting vision. 3 different facilities systems. Resource 25 - who is providing tech support? Payroll-cumbersome, data entry window small, 10-11 at night getting data in for 167 people in 1 department, with only 1 person. Administrative assistants are no longer assisting theyre doing payroll and others functions. Exceptions are nightmares in PS vacation sick accruals, students, multiple accounts. Ease of access for IR/analysts. Ad hoc, outside the normal too complex, takes too long. HR/Finance integration weak or doesnt exist. Matching grants. Scholarships/gifts reporting. Balance sheet vs. income loss in investments handled differently. Drill downs, knowing real balances. Reporting on faculty with funding from different departments is too difficult. Training, continual help. Knowing who to call for help with reporting. Access to data. Payroll timing, windows for entry too limited. MOCODEs vs. project codes vs. deptid too confusing. Endowment accounts gain/loss line meaningless. Communication vs. self-discovery of problems and changes. Cheat sheets to flip between MOCODEs vs. program codes vs. deptid. Vouchers. Purchase Orders. Shadow systems separate books for tracking revenues and expenses.Review current reports. More flexibility in reporting (data and tools). More sophisticated and in-depth training. Sort reports by campus. Motion studies and process improvements. Report Repository for finding current reports and a review of what is in those reports. Cleanup things. More resources for reporting too much 100% production. Data to information this process needs reviewed. Need feedback mechanisms for suggestions and enhanced communications. Two-way communication and a system of critical instance reporting with feedback. Directors & Assc. DeanBudget summaries, infor Student & Alumni Data rich. Production systems. Payroll data & POrders Existing (legacy) data. Highly trained staff can get to data. ˿appDW/˿appR Data Warehouses. PS Query for quick data retrieval. Web based searches. Web Journal entry. Web reports. People. Compliance standard reporting.Lack 24/7 access to data. Information poor. Complex systems & complex training. Confusing budget reporting. Knowing what table/data element to use. Purchasing data entry. Accessing records/data. Grant data reporting. Encumbrances salaries (especially student/grant funded). Student/HR interface reporting name changes. Limited query/reporting tools. MOBIUS is limited. Departmental trail balances. Project strings for reporting. Summary end-of-month reports.Create user groups. Data/Table Data Element Dictionary (DED). Integration of internal data as well as external data. PSAT data access. Sharing of knowledge and information about data, tools, and definitions. 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