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Regular Meeting

1 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004, and Reconvening if needed at 8 a.m., Friday, Jan. 30, 2004

The H. Richard Adams Conference Center

Vet Med Building, University of Missouri-Columbia Campus

  • General Business
    • Board President’s remarks
    • University President’s remarks
    • Board of Curators standing committee appointments, 2004
    • Approval of delegation of authority to 佪圖app President regarding Medical Staff bylaws or rules and Regulations
    • Northwest Missouri State University Merger (MOU)
  • Consent Agenda
    • Approval of meeting minutes
  • Finance and Human Resources
    • MU Health Care report
    • Internal audit summary reports
    • Approval of engagement of Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent auditors for 2003-2004
    • Approval of authorization to increase student activity, facility and health service fees
    • Approval of authorization to increase residence hall and family student housing rates
    • Approval of charitable gift annuities
  • Physical Facilities
    • Approval of consultant selection for College Avenue housing, 佪圖app-Columbia
    • Approval of consultant selection for University Center East Renovation, 佪圖app-Rolla
    • Approval of schematic design for Residential Building Two, 佪圖app-Rolla
    • Approval of schematic design for south Campus Residence Hall, 佪圖app-St. Louis
    • Life Sciences economic development state bonds capital bond request
  • Resources and Planning
    • Resource allocation principles
  • Academic Affairs
    • Approval academic calendars, 2005-2006
  • General Business
    • Service mission presentation, 佪圖app-Columbia
    • Approval of a closed meeting for the consideration of certain personnel, property and litigation, as authorized by law and approved by resolution of the Board of Curators (The Board will convene in closed session as the last item on the Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004 agenda and will reconvene, if necessary, Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 to consider unfinished business)
    • Adjourn
  • Closed Meeting
    • The Board will enter into closed session in the Vet Med Auditorium, Vet Med Building, 佪圖app-Columbia Campus for the consideration of certain personnel, property and litigation, as authorized by law and approved by resolution of the Board of Curators.
    • Information item (no vote taken)
    • Action item (vote taken)

Copies of the Board papers are available the Monday before the meeting at these locations: 佪圖app University Relations, 828 Lewis Hall, Columbia; University Communications, 300C Administrative Center, 佪圖app-Kansas City; News Services, 105 Campus Support Facility, 佪圖app-Rolla; and University Relations, 426 Woods Hall, 佪圖app-St. Louis. Appropriate charges will be assessed for photocopies.

Reviewed 2010-06-17