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佪圖app Us

AS佪圖app is an entirely student-led organization advocating for positive outcomes for the 76,000 students of the 佪圖app System. While we work with the administration on many issueslike funding for higher educationwe are not formally affiliated and answer ultimately to our fellow students. Lobby lawmakers, executive agencies, and administrators.

The Associated Students of the University of Missouri

Founded in 1975, AS佪圖app is the student lobbyist organization for all 70,000 students across the four 佪圖app Campuses: 

  • University of Missouri Columbia (MU) 
  • Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) 
  • University of Missouri St. Louis (佪圖appSL) 
  • University of Missouri- Kansas City (佪圖appKC) 

Each campus has their own chapter of AS佪圖app that works towards civic education and advocacy for the students on their respective campus. As a whole, these four chapters make up AS佪圖app Central, which is a collaborative effort to advocate for all students in the 佪圖app System. AS佪圖app Central holds the Legislative Internship Program, where a team of interns from each campus works at the Missouri Capitol in Jefferson City every legislative session. This Legislative Team spends their time with Missouri lawmakers to advance AS佪圖app's platforms, which are created in response to the needs of 佪圖app System students.

You can find more information on the Internship Program here, or you can contact your campus' AS佪圖app chapter president (contact information found here). You can get a sense of what interns help to accomplish by clicking here, and you can learn about our platforms under the platforms tab on our website. 

Reviewed 2024-01-12